Visualization example of a non-equilibrium amorphous material applying the NESCGLE theory (ie: a protein based vaccine, cements or a polymer).

Caldera Engine v1.0 (Beta)
Arrested spinodal decomposition view


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View NESCGLE-based modelling sample in ParaView 3D [Fig. 2]: Click here

[..] In many circumstances, additional attractive forces also become relevant, even causing gas-liquid separation and its incomplete non-equilibrium version, referred to as arrested spinodal decomposition, leading to the formation of bi-continuous, sponge-like structures characteristic of physical gels (illustrated by the NE-SCGLE-generated visualization in Fig. 2). As it turns out, all the detailed predictions of the NE-SCGLE theory applied to this system, have been found to be in full agreement with the available experimental and simulated results [23]. In particular, and most strikingly, the theory accurately predicted [14] a puzzling, unexplainable latency (or pseudo-equilibration) experimental effect reported, for example, in Ref. [24]. 

But far more important, the predictive power of the NE-SCGLE theory allows the prediction of new scenarios before they are empirically discovered. For example, the theory predicts that the two anomalies described above in purely repulsive colloids, are in reality universal signatures of the glass transition. In particular, it predicts its manifestation in other specific systems with completely different interparticle interactions, such as the short-range-attractive—long-range-repulsive (SALR) interactions [26], which accurately describes the interparticle structure and dynamics of concentrated protein solutions [27].

In summary, the previous background information allows us to conclude that the NE-SCGLE theory and its applications to the fundamental understanding of glasses, gels, and in general of amorphous solid materials, is a disruptive scientific achievement, which provide the basis for equally disruptive technological applications. [..]

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